In many cases, you may have seen that people who try to combine traditional and modern decoration in their home cannot do it properly because they do not have enough knowledge about the rules of combining styles or in many cases that People do not intend to combine decoration with two different styles, and just because they do not know and are not familiar with different styles, they make a wrong arrangement for their home, and it makes the appearance of the house not only beautiful with all the expenses that have been made. not to look completely confused.
Imagine a house that has a completely Roman appearance from the outside, that is, it has a large area and a large volume, and you want to get furniture for it. In this case, our suggestion is to choose the classic style or if you plan to use two styles at home, try to maintain the harmony of the
environment despite the differences between the two and a wide range of styles and colour themes. Don’t be outside.
Sometimes it can be seen that people try to use two or more pieces of furniture in their homes for large houses with high area, in which case they prefer a modern and comfortable sofa in the living room and classic steel furniture in the reception area. and also for the dining table, they may use classic or modern style in the kitchen or reception area. It has even been seen that in very large spaces, both types of styles are used for the dining table, reception table, and coffee table, but keep in mind that each style and type that you buy should match and harmonize in an environment. be and not too out of the ordinary.
Considering the different styles that the members of a family may have, different vases and fabrics can be seen in the corners of the house, which makes the decorative details and tools used as decoration in the house. Choose a set of different designs and models, and in this case, you have lost your main goal, which was to beautify, relax, and decorate your home, and your home does not look like a house, but like a store selling decorative materials. And the decoration looks.
If such a situation arises and different things are bought based on the different tastes that exist in the same house, it will cause the peace of the environment to be taken away, and at the same time, the house will be seen as smaller and more limited, even in large areas. All the things that have been said
are mostly due to people’s lack of knowledge about the important points about the correct decoration of the house. Because they don’t know what makes harmony with each other in different styles, and when they are busy buying furniture and home decor, they don’t pay attention to the needs of their living environment and only based on the taste that exists at that moment. They come and do the shopping.
– Combination of styles in the use of different types of furniture
Most Iranian houses are between 80 and 150 square meters, and it is possible that with this size, people want to combine traditional and modern decoration. In order to be able to do this correctly, it is better to decide which one of the two types of traditional or modern decoration is the dominant style of the home for the right home decor according to people’s taste. It means that people should specify that they want to be in a modern environment that has classic factors along with it, or on the contrary, the dominant style of the house is traditional and has modern features.
If you think that you have adequate information about the types of classic, modern or neoclassical decoration, it is better to study again because your information may not be enough and this incomplete information will make you unable to consider the appropriate decoration for your home. When we examine the types of decoration models, we realize that the places where more sculptures are used in home decoration
tend to be more towards the classic style. Of course, modern statues are also used in different styles, so it is better to know the difference between different types of statues.
If you are still confused about which one is more suitable and attractive for you after seeing different models of decoration, consider which one you like the most among the number you have seen. For example, if you see ten items and more than five of them have classic furniture, choose the classic style for your home and decoration.
It is known that those who like dark, cozy and secluded environments care more and are interested in modern style in decoration. If you have enough information about the correct definition of style and decoration, you may make a mistake in buying decoration components. You may choose the decoration of the house and furniture very beautifully and everything fits the style and rules, but in the end, you use decorations that have nothing to do with your decoration and style, and this conflict will make all your efforts go to waste.
-Attractive suggestions in the arrangement of decoration
If you would like to know our suggestion about a specific type of decoration, we suggest that if your house is small and under 100 square meters and you want to use both classic and modern styles in a combination, the dominant style of the environment and choose modern decoration. Because the modern style is quieter than other styles and shows the environment more open and larger and is more suitable for
small houses, besides which you can use traditional and classic components and combine the two types. but if you are one of those families who fortunately have a big house and don’t have space problems, it is better to choose the dominant style, classic, so that your house looks more formal and luxurious. –

Is classic sofa or comfort better for your home?
In many cases, you may have seen that people who try to combine traditional and modern decoration in